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Photo du véhicule de Groupe Transit qui focus sur L'application

Taxi Transit

Your Trusted 24/7 Taxi Service in the Gatineau area

The Transit App: Book, Track, and Ride with Ease
Véhicule électrique de Groupe Transit

Book Your Ride Anytime, Anywhere

Get around the Gatineau area with our 24/7 taxi service. Whether you need a quick ride across town, a minivan for a group, or accessible transportation, we've got you covered.

The Transit App: Book, Track, and Ride with Ease

Convenient and Reliable Transportation

Taxi Service

Available 24/7 with a fleet of 150 vehicles

Accessible Transportation

Vehicles adapted for persons with reduced mobility

Event Transportation

Pre-scheduled rides for weddings, festivals, and more

Fast Delivery

Reliable parcel delivery for businesses across Quebec and Ontario

Airport Transportation

Direct rides to YOW and YUL with a wake-up call feature

Explore our range of services designed to meet all your transportation needs.

Taxi - Le Groupe Transit
Le Groupe Transit
Is Committed to a Greener Future

We are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint. With 30% of our fleet being electric and hybrid, we're making strides toward a more sustainable future.

Véhicule électrique de Groupe Transit au port
About Us

Le Groupe Transit has been proudly serving the Gatineau region, including Aylmer, Hull, Chelsea, Du Plateau, Buckingham, Masson-Angers, Mont-Tremblant, and Cantley, for almost a century. Our commitment to reliability and customer satisfaction has made us a staple in the community.

Nearly 100 Years of Trusted Service

We're Here to Help

Have questions or need assistance? Our dispatch team is available 24/7 to assist you.
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